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Recent content by 77-85

  1. 7

    Battery drain 1984 corvette

    You said that you were reading -0.004ma to -0.001ma and then you switched to volts. Did you move the cables on your meter ? Every meter I have ever seen uses a common lead, and a lead that is connected to one output for Voltage and Resistance, and a second output for reading current. Here is...
  2. 7

    Digital Tach acting up

    I don't know if your 84 is the same are an 85 when it comes to the wiring for the Tach, but my 85 4+3 was doing exactly the same thing. My problem turned out to be a poor ground on the tach filter which is located near the distributor. In my car it is a small silver cylinder about 1 inch long...
  3. 7

    Fuel pump or not?

    I had a very simillar problem with my 85 Vette. In my case it turned out to be a faulty oil pressure switch. I am not sure if your 89 has the same wiring for the fuel pump, but in my 85 the fuel pump is powered by a switch controlled by oil pressure. When you first turn the ingnition to the run...
  4. 7


    Although I don't want to recommend any particular brand of aluminum head, I will tell you what I did on my 85 which I believe has the same basic engine configuration as your iron head 86E does. First of all you need to remember that your stock heads incorporate an EGR passage in the head itself...
  5. 7

    1 or 2 peice rear main seal?

    Up to 1985, it was a 2 piece rear seal. I believe that in 1986 it changed to a 1 piece real seal.
  6. 7

    Canadians Beware Corvette America

    I too have been burned by Corvette America when it comes to taxes and brokerage fees, but part of the problem is with UPS and the high brokerage fees that they charge. If one of the parts that you ordered is not available, your shipment usually gets split into 2 and you will get dinged with 2...
  7. 7

    Missing Calpak

    The Oil Pressure switch is the smaller of the two, and it has 2 wires going to it. This switch supplies voltage to the fuel pump when the engine is running. If you lose Oil pressure, the switch opens, which shuts off the fuel pump and saves your engine from damage. (prevents your significant...
  8. 7

    Missing Calpak

    As I said before I too was getting the same codes: Code 54 - Fuel Pump Circuit (Low Voltage) Code 53 - System Over Voltage Code 52 - CALPAK Missing I was scanning these with my AutoXray scanner as I drove, since every time I shut off the engine, no codes would be stored. Today, I had some...
  9. 7

    Missing Calpak

    Wow, your 85 is behaving exactly like mine is. Although I have not had a chance to debug the problem (I just drive the car and it runs fine), I will be looking into the issue this weekend. Here is what I see: 1 - Start the car, car runs fine, Check Engine light is off 2 - Drive around for 30...
  10. 7

    Software for ODB 1

    Maybe I should post the link as well http://winaldl.joby.se/
  11. 7

    Software for ODB 1

    Try this Web site. I used WINALDL and it works very well. You will need to make a cable, and your laptop must have a serial port (old laptop). Instructions for the cable can be found at this web site as well.
  12. 7

    Auto xray and Corvette

    I have an 85 with a 4+3 and I noticed many of the same problems as you did with the AutoXray scanner. Some of the things you will notice: 1 - With the car running the scanner puts the engine into diagnostic mode and your IDLE will be set at 1000 RPM (mine goes to 1000). 2 - As you have...
  13. 7

    Transmission removal

    Opps. Forgot to mention the exhaust. Yes, it needs to come out. I took it out as a complete unit and replaced it as a complete unit (two people needed). I also managed to break one of the studs on the manifold, which required the removal of the driver side exhaust manifold to extract the broken...
  14. 7

    Transmission removal

    Although I have not removed an automatic transmission from a 90 Vette, I was able to successfully remove, rebuild and replace the 4+3 manual from my 85. I was able to do this in my garage using jack stands but it was not the easiest repair I have ever performed. Some tips you might find...
  15. 7

    Bead blasting/chemical cleaning

    I rebuilt my engine last year and when I was getting the block cleaned, I got the machine shop to clean my plenum, runners and manifold as well. The shop used some short of plastic based beads to clean the plenum and runners and they came out spotless (looked like new, and the texture of the...
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