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Recent content by cheftl13

  1. C

    Help! Horn stuck on

    My horn was got stuck the other day, had to pull off the button, and would not stop, finally the fuse blew. Put a new fuse in and horn kept going till it blew again.. any thoughts, Im thinking the relay. if so, where in the hell is it???:mad
  2. C

    Help! Tach stopped working

    thanks bill, but I started it today and it is working fine, weird.... Next question. My horn was got stuck the other day, had to pull off the button, and would not stop, finally the fuse blew. Put a new fuse in and horn kept going till it blew again.. any thoughts, Im thinking the relay. if...
  3. C

    Help! Tach stopped working

    If i had a match I would burn this car to the ground!! So, i finally get this car on the road, running perfect, and I get stuck going through a monster rain storm. I had no choice but to go through a pretty large pool of water and then it happened.... the tach stopped working! any thoughts on...
  4. C

    Help! Oil Pressure guage tacking out!!

    Gentlemen,....we have a winner!!!! Oil pressure sending unit, it was! Pressure is back to 40psi. Thank you to all who responded and saved me a ton of money and time. $20 part, and 15 minutes install time=peace of mind! :D
  5. C

    Help! Will not start, but turns over

    Bill, it only has 58200 on it! I just took it for a rip and wow, ran great. the oil pressure never passed 55 psi with the pedal to the metal! :upthumbs It seems like it only "pops/lightly backfires" when the engine is cold. Again, its more of a "pop/puff" from the exhaust, than a backfire.
  6. C

    Help! Will not start, but turns over

    Mac, you are correct, it has a quadr-jet. I figured it out. A wire going into the coil came disconnected. Now, while I have your attention. If I race the rpm's in neutral, it back fires slightly on the decelaration. When in gear, it back fires slightly when switching gears from 2 to 3rd...
  7. C

    Help! Will not start, but turns over

    fuel is jetting into the carb,, i will chk for spark tonight.
  8. C

    Help! Will not start, but turns over

    Ok, so please give me an explanation. The car started and ran beautiful 3 days ago!! Went to take it for ride, turns over, but will not start> WTF!! Any easy suggestions. Battery full charged, full tank of gas. Have not touched anything. Trying to avoid getting it towed to the garage.:mad...
  9. C

    Help! Oil Pressure guage tacking out!!

    thanks bill, I will check out the sending unit, the engine is orginal with 58000 original parts. Just replaced the oil pump last year. The tach was pushing to 80 when the pump blew, but never went back to normal after replacing it. When putting a gauge at the motor, pressure is right at...
  10. C

    Help! Oil Pressure guage tacking out!!

    Thanks for the info John! Is it possible that it could be the tach itself? Just trying to narrow down my options before changing out a bunch of parts.
  11. C

    Help! Oil Pressure guage tacking out!!

    hey guys I have an issue that needs to be addressed asap. I had an oil pump installed last year, the pump is reading 40psi at the motor. The guage starts at 40psi, but once the car is on the road, it jummps to 80psi and stays tacked out. Once in awhile it jumps back down to 40psi, and then...
  12. C

    81' Hesitation while in gear

    still with alot of hesitation. Everything was fine till i changed out the radio
  13. C

    81' Hesitation while in gear

    yes, the radio is disconnected right now.
  14. C

    81' Hesitation while in gear

    its standard. think of it like this. You know when you release the clutch wrong without enough gas and the car starts to buck, it is doing that in every gear, but seams more like its not getting enough gas. But like i said, it was perfectly fine until i put the new radio in, i messed up a...
  15. C

    81' Hesitation while in gear

    ;helpPlease help! Im lost again! I have an 81' that just came out of the shop because the check engine light would not shut down after the car was off. The mechanic said it had something to do with cross wiring when i installed a new radio. Problem- the car hesitates in every gear, similar to...
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