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Recent content by georgew386

  1. G

    '08 corvette problems

    '08 corvette sometimes won't come out of park button cannot be released until several tries. also don't believe ride control is working. rides like buckboard. any help appreciated
  2. G

    2008 corvette

    2008 corvette
  3. G

    '08 corvette starter issue

    '08 corvette w/110k miles. starter engages, but seems to reengage once or twice even tho button is released. any help appreciated thanks george
  4. G

    Help! 06 corvette convert automatic window

    06 convert 'vette driver door window won't lower when opening door any help appreciated thanks
  5. G

    '92 frt bumper license filler

    does anyone have a frt bumper license fillerplate. black rose if possible. if so, let me know price etc or call george 386 846 6905
  6. G

    '92 corvette power sear track

    seat tilts both ways but not back & forth. cable seems to be turning. is a gear stripped and can that piece be replaced?. any info, thanks georgew386. if you want to call, fine. 386 846 6905
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