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Recent content by glenkov48

  1. G

    Seat covers for seats with head rest

    I agree with silver 69--both posts. The seat covers are not cut out for the head rests. You have to do it. Not a big thing, you can feel through the seat cover where to cut. I think I would try the dye thing again if the covers are in good shape.
  2. G

    Top windshield trim

    You just have to pry it up out of the clips. But, and there is always a but, it will bend real easily if you are not carefull. A real expensive mistake. And you already removed the screws on the back edge? Good luck.
  3. G

    To Rebuild or Buy Rebuilt?

    I've had alot of rebuilt junk fail in 1-2 yrs. The quality keeps getting worse. I now try to buy new or rebuild myself.
  4. G

    Body work

    Any suggestions on a good body shop in the Long Beach/South Bay/Orange County area? My 69 has alot of small cracks and a few large ones also.
  5. G


    Getting ready to rip out the interior for paint and new upholstory. Since the '69 is now over 35 yrs old, it there any maintaince that could/should be done now, rather than remove the dash later? Tach and spedo work well now, but everything needs to be oiled eventualy, right??
  6. G

    Brakes Squeal First Several Minutes

    Get louder pipes!!
  7. G

    Clutch pivot ball....which one???

    I bellieve the taller ball is to compensate for surfacing the flywheel. Otherwise, you sometimes have problems with adjustment.
  8. G

    Roller rockers and pistons Valve slap?

    If you use a turd, what size would be best?
  9. G

    AC delete

    Ratflinger, I think you have the best solution. Thanks for the help.
  10. G

    AC delete

    I want to delete the AC/heater box on the firewall of my 69 BB. Will a stock heater box completely cover the hole in th firewall?? and bolt up to the same mounting holes??
  11. G

    RAM clutch blues....

    1 option is to get a longer or adjustable fork stud for the bell housing. These go in from inside the bell housing, so you still have some work to do. I like the above mentioned idea about extending the clutch rod length. I think I would try this first. PS My ram clutch works just fine.
  12. G

    Radiator Core Support Repair

    I had one that started to rust from the inside out. I cleaned it up as good as possible, then inserted some scrap threaded rods into the hollow spaces, then poured in glass resin. Any places that ozed were sanded and painted. It is now very strong and won't rust on the inside any more. All...
  13. G

    Body work suggestions

    Any suggestions to pick someone for body work in the Long Beach/Los Angeles area? I will paint the car myself afterwards. Price is important, but quality work is the #1 priority.
  14. G

    Broken motor mount?

    Just changed the upper radiator hose on my 69 BB. It had a groove in it where the alt. belt hit it. I think there are 2 possibilities as to what happened. I recently changed the belts when I replaced the ps pump. May have hit when the belts were not tight. Or, broken motor mount. The hose...
  15. G

    Power Steering Pump alignment

    My 69 BB is the same. That's the wonderful thing about these low tech v-belts. They really do work even when everything is not perfect.
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