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Recent content by thug29

  1. T

    Calling All White C5's

    Personally I love my Millinium Yellow, but my second choice without a doubt is now WHITE !!!:beer
  2. T

    Red Top...Yellow Top...Delco or Die Hard?

    I spent many long hours studying these same batteries and to make a long story short I went with the Optima Red Top. I have found this battery to always have the juice to start my C5 even if it sits for weeks thru the harsh winters here in New England. A little more $$$ than the others but it...
  3. T

    My battery loses charge .... any ideas HELP!

    If you have $16.00 you can also buy a battery float which simply clips onto your battery cables when its parked over night etc. and keeps the level/draw even.
  4. T

    5 yrs and still on stock batt update.

    I found my battery was dying more frequently because I added a few sound system upgrades w/DVD player....with that said I invested in an Optima Battery which is made specialy for extra draining from systems like mine. But to answer your question I think my original battery lasted 4 yrs.
  5. T

    Need Tire Opinions

    Do yourself a favor before you pull the trigger and spend all your hard earned money. Go onto the Tirerack.com site and look up one of the favorite tires mentioned here by the members and then go to the "comparison charts" provided by the Tire Rack and from there you will find numerous...
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