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  1. BigJimZ16

    Help! 2004 coupe

    I've found that between Mid America Motorworks and Corvette Central, alot of those odd little trim pieces are readily available.
  2. BigJimZ16

    Top-Mount Battery Terminals for 2004 Model Year

    https://www.rockauto.com/en/catalog/chevrolet,2004,corvette,5.7l+v8,1423921,electrical,battery+cable,2500 ; Rockauto $30.79 :thumb
  3. BigJimZ16

    91 corvette cranks but won’t start! Please help

    Have you checked for spark at the plugs??
  4. BigJimZ16

    Rear wing install

    :joke Sorry Jack, no flame intended... Seriously, how you like and envision is your business and no-one else's. This IS a fantastic forum, and the first way to access the area you reference IS through the taillight holes. What Hib states is also VERY true, good luck with any and all mods you...
  5. BigJimZ16

    Rear wing install

    If you insist on installing a wing on that beautiful C5, the best thing for you to do is remove the taillights and go through those holes.
  6. BigJimZ16

    appears to be out of gas will turn over but will not start

    What have you done to trouble-shoot this issue? Is there spark?? Is there fuel pressure?? My GUESS is that you may have lost the fuel pump, but without ANY facts it's impossible to know for sure!!
  7. BigJimZ16

    Help! Can't get into my 2008

    Use the key that is inside the fob to open the trunk, then use the emergency door release cable to open the door. The rest should be easy. BTW the cable is on the left side above the wheel well.
  8. BigJimZ16

    fuse problem

    It's a Circuit Breaker not a fuse Paragon Corvette Reproductions - Power Window Circuit Breaker
  9. BigJimZ16

    News: notice from gm

    Me too... Got mine last Wednesday...
  10. BigJimZ16

    '85 Brake light flickering

    Duh... Let's try to keep in mind that this brake light "flickers ON' not off. A bad bulb or bad connection at the socket will NOT cause a light to come on, only off... Some thing in the control of the light most likely is the cause ie. stop light switch, adjustment of the switch, etc. :thumb
  11. BigJimZ16

    Question: New exhaiust

    Personally I'm a big fan of the Corsa products for both the C5 and C6. From all the research I did prior to buying my first Corsa for our '04 Vert and the comments from others, it seems that this is one area where you get what you pay for. Never once have I experienced a quality problem or any...
  12. BigJimZ16

    LS3 Intake Tube Expansions

    :thumb:thumb As Tuna says, they are in fact silencers. Intake air can make every much as much noise in the passenger compartment as the exhaust!! Remember putting that open element air cleaner on your '64 Chevy 283??? Was it really more horsepower? Or did it just sound SO much...
  13. BigJimZ16

    Help! Drivers side window stopped working

    Without at least a little trouble-shooting any answer is just a guess, do you have the factory service manual, a DVM, and a little electrical knowledge?? You need to know if there is any power going to the motor when the button is pushed, and work from there...
  14. BigJimZ16

    Saying goodbye

    It was a sad day yesterday as I drove my Z16/Z06 for the last time. Putting only 8000 miles on it since 2008, it was clear that our Grand Sport was to become our ONLY Corvette. I'll really miss my Z16, it is one HELL of an automobile. Congratulations to Jim L. who bought it from me, may your...
  15. BigJimZ16

    Mr. Sam (Dadaroo) Passed Suddenly Yesterday !

    Oh my God... RIP Sam. God must have big and urgent plans for you. Sam WILL be missed on this and other forums!
  16. BigJimZ16

    Vacuum Secondary Versus Mechanical Secondary Carburetors

    Except all of the Quadrajets... Everyone of them has mechanical secondaries! By definition...:chuckle
  17. BigJimZ16


    I'm a firm believer in C-Magic!!! Great shine and protection for the finish!! The entire C-magic line of products is on both of my Vettes!!
  18. BigJimZ16

    Question: 1981 Timing Cover Gasket

    You DO have to pull the harmonic balancer though, and that will probably mean pulling the radiator...
  19. BigJimZ16

    Plugs and Plug Wires C6

    I wouldn't touch them. Just wasting money, fluids on the other hand may need changed!!
  20. BigJimZ16


    I too have a 2010 GS, I changed out my GoodYears for Michelins at 11000 miles due to wear and ride quality. I went with the Super Sports in NON- runflat... the ride, silence, and traction are WORLDS better; also got rid of the negative camber in the front suspention to improve wear. I carry the...
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