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  1. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

  2. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    How about the rear quarter???
  3. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    Without further delay... here's our next subject, a portion of this body in white! :chuckle
  4. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    1972 Mazda LUCE rotary also known as the RX4.:thumb
  5. BigJimZ16

    Help! All the dreaded messages at once !!

    Is the new battery up to at least the original spec? What about the side terminal connections? The bolt side of the terminal that you can't readily see? Terminal torque spec? I really dislike the side terminals because of the blind connection... Is the terminal bolt bottoming out before the...
  6. BigJimZ16

    Help! All the dreaded messages at once !!

    Are we still using the original battery? It sounds as if the battery has taken a dump on you!
  7. BigJimZ16

    Important! Independence Day - What are you doing?

    The folks seem to love the patriotic look of our Z16s in a parade! :thumb
  8. BigJimZ16

    Important! Independence Day - What are you doing?

    Our Corvette Club will be showing 17 of our best in the local July 4th Parade!:happyanim:
  9. BigJimZ16

    2004 Corvette c5

    ​Only that it is probably the best bang-for-the-buck sportscar ever built! Are you looking at acquiring an example?
  10. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    My wife uses a similar thought process... :happyanim::happyanim::happyanim:
  11. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    Choose anything you want! We don't need no stinking rules!! :thumb:rotfl
  12. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    Absofrigginlutely!!! Imagine the maintenance on that body... :L You're up!!
  13. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    Wrong year, more specific...
  14. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    TTT :chuckle
  15. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    ​Nope, not a Packard, not American...
  16. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    How about this beauty??? :D
  17. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    Anyone gonna drop a name??? :chuckle
  18. BigJimZ16

    An old theme but a new thread...

    OK, it's been a week and I'm back from Wisconsin... I just can't hold back any more! It's a Venturi Atlantique 300 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venturi_Automobiles
  19. BigJimZ16

    Corvette Adventures Wisconsin Dells

    :w Anyone headed to Chula Vista this week for the Corvette Adventures Event? This will be our third year and have had a blast at the first two! We will be going up Wednesday morning with a group from our club, headed to Ho-Chunk Wednesday evening for the all-you-can-eat crab legs buffet! :happyanim:
  20. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    I'll bet you do!! :chuckle And you're not the only one...
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