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  1. Lakotah

    5 messages on DIC

    I'll check it
  2. Lakotah

    5 messages on DIC

    Upon pulling into my garage yesterday 5 messages came up on my DIC. Low Fuel, Reduced engine power, Door ajar, Check tire pressure, Service vehicle soon. I found 33 codes which most were related to loss of communication to the TCS, PCM,BCM, IPC LDCM and RFA. Two codes I was unable to find in my...
  3. Lakotah

    Fuel Pump ?

    reply Mr. Sam, I really can't hear much over the sound of the exhaust and engine from the underside. It appears like this new sound is coming through the dash board area rather than behind or under me. I stopped by and talked to my mechanic this afternoon about this. He mentioned what I...
  4. Lakotah

    Fuel Pump ?

    My 99 C-5 has just turned 81K miles and for quite a few miles, I don't know 30-50K or so, I've listened to what I've gathered is my fuel pump. It's never been really noisy, just something I can hear. Well lately (the past 3 or 4 hundred miles) a new sound has come up. It sounds to me like a ball...
  5. Lakotah

    1999 C-5 key fob receiver getting weak?

    dadaroo, The only one I would feel good about sending to you is the one I use. The other two I'm sure are not worth it with my tinkering around with them. Maybe I better see what the return policy is at the dealership where I purchased the one I'm using now. You know, I find it curious that two...
  6. Lakotah

    1999 C-5 key fob receiver getting weak?

    dadaroo, I pulled the codes before I turned the ignition off. Those were the same codes I was getting when I had a ground problem which caused my C-5 to keep stalling. I had fixed the ground problems a while back but I still noticed these codes kept coming back even though that cured my stalling...
  7. Lakotah

    1999 C-5 key fob receiver getting weak?

    dadaroo, I believe it was BORFA.
  8. Lakotah

    1999 C-5 key fob receiver getting weak?

    dadaroo, My TPM sensors have always worked . I pulled up U1096H, U1064H, U1016H. I think those are un-related to my key fob problem (I seem to remember checking the connections at the BCM when I had an issue with my C-5 not wanting to stay started). I took apart my key fob and that chip or...
  9. Lakotah

    1999 C-5 key fob receiver getting weak?

    I've been having problems with my key fobs for a few years or so. One original one just plain stopped working and the second original one seemed to work OK but not as good as when I first bought my C-5. I tried new batteries in both but I still got the same results. I purchased a new GM key fob...
  10. Lakotah

    Anybody Have Experience w/Continental ContiExtremeContact Tires?

    Continentals Tony, I put a set of Continental DWS's (Dry,Wet,Snow) on my 99 Coupe with stock wheels. They are quiet and ride quite comfortably. I don't race around but still enjoy the way they handle in turns etc. I had a set of Michelins Sports, they were too noisy, especially the older they...
  11. Lakotah

    Low fuel-check gauges

    shell dadaroo, I just think it's unusual since I switched from shell to arco I haven't seen that " Low fuel-check gauges" come up on my DIC. It's been a number of months since I did, then before using even a 1/4 of a tank of shell gas there it was again. Coincident? I don't know. Like I...
  12. Lakotah

    Low fuel-check gauges

    P1431h dadaroo, Thought I'd let you know I found P1431H on the DIC. I'm guessing it arose from the shell gas affecting the fuel level sensors. I don't know about you, but I really think all the sensors on these C-5's have too close of a tolernce just to make them run. Seems like there is a...
  13. Lakotah

    Low fuel-check gauges

    dadaroo, Bringing up this issue with the gasoline deposits made me think back that I haven't had this problem since I changed to a different brand of gas and running a can of Sea Foam through the tank, thinking it was the cause of my stalling problems. For various reasons I decided to go back to...
  14. Lakotah

    Low fuel-check gauges

    Well here's something I haven't seen come up on my DIC for while. Quite a while. Even with a full tank of gas, driving around, all of sudden I hear that warning bell (the one you hear when you leave your keys in the ignition and open the door). Then "Low fuel Check Gauges" comes up on the DIC...
  15. Lakotah

    Vibration or wheel hop?

    Similar problem RLDaily, I had a similar problem. You didn't mention what brand tires you have and/or are they new? Turned out my problem was with the tires. It started when I replaced the run-flats with Michelin Pilot sports. The tread design they had was a ribbed design that made a slight...
  16. Lakotah

    Seat Control Module

    Now that it seems I've gotten my stalling problem resolved, I'm still getting a few codes on my DIC, U1064, U1016 & U1096 that keep coming back. Which could be initiated by the drivers side "seat control module" (pages 8-1286 & 8-1289) as my bolster toggle only creates a buzzing sound in the...
  17. Lakotah

    New Member, C-5 still stalls

    Hmmmmmm 6shooter, JFYI, I've had 15 years of enjoyment driving, washing, maintaining and waxing my C-5. It's only recently have I had problems with it. Most of my latest repairs were to keep my C-5 in good running condition and some because of mis-leading help. It wasn't until I came to the...
  18. Lakotah

    New Member, C-5 still stalls

    Pm dadaroo, Been busy with the holidays and all. I'll give you a call sometime and we can chat a bit. I'm in Livermore California, the Sunshine state. We're constantly being sprayed from those big white unmarked jets that don't fly in any flight pattern. Scary stuff! I still get a couple of...
  19. Lakotah

    New Member, C-5 still stalls

    misnomer dadaroo, Looking at that connector, it would have never dawned on me that's a "star connector". The inside of it is very similar to the ground connector at ground points 3 & 4 that's on page 8-374 in the service manual. It appears that this particular connector in your pic is located...
  20. Lakotah

    New Member, C-5 still stalls

    1 Ground hoosierdaddy, There are 3 wires that are attached to the same post below the battery.
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