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  1. FrankM

    Crash Course in valuation of a 61 vette

    Re: huh? looks like the right side of the block at the rear in front of starter motor. the bolt is a drain for coolant in the block.
  2. FrankM

    Crash Course in valuation of a 61 vette

    I am close to your location and offer my services for a modest fee.
  3. FrankM

    my car just quit on the freeway--help!!!

    with the tac going wild it is some type of ignition problem possibly including the ecm.
  4. FrankM

    Bilstein Shocks

    Bilstein shocks are right up there with Michelin for durability. I have original Bilsteins on my 220k Vette and 220k Mercedes. Still shocking fine. One time many years ago I had a set of Bilstein on a Mercedes with 210k. Out of a feeling that shocks should be changed with that kind of mileage...
  5. FrankM

    salvage title -need advice

    Interestingly I had a '90 Coupe that was totaled by my insurance co. in '92. I did several rollovers.....:eek recently I did a car fax on it. It showed the salvage title in Pa. then went to NJ. From salvaged NJ it went to KY and appears with a clean title. It now is in OH and the owner must...
  6. FrankM

    Question about high mileage on C4s

    I jinxed my alternator with this post. It stopped working on the way home at 220,487 miles !!! :eek I had to go to Pep Boys in Waterbury, Ct. Yesterday I changed my original left axle u-joints (heard a squeek noise) . Right side was changed at 175k miles.
  7. FrankM

    ABS problems and bleeding brakes

    check your alternator for spikes. I have seen this more than once
  8. FrankM

    Question about high mileage on C4s

    Re: Go For It :eek Hope I don't get caught !!!!
  9. FrankM

    I need a Carfax ~ I have a VIN

    I wonder if this car will be at Carlisle too?
  10. FrankM

    Question about high mileage on C4s

    Here is another prospective on high mileage cars. As usual I will be driving it to Carlisle again. You will see it parked with all the other Vettes inside. Odo should read 220k at Carlisle. (original alternator :-) ) http://home.attbi.com/~fmulone/corvette/corvette.html
  11. FrankM

    oil pressure at idle

    Depending on my sending units mood, I get 25lb at idle with pennzoil,quaker state 5w-30 If I use mobil or exxon I get as low as 15lbs red hot idling. At 1700 rpm ....68mph I get 55 -59 lbs I've only used 5w-30 original everything!!! I have changed the sending unit a couple of times because...
  12. FrankM

    Stalled at 50MPH??

    Re: Oil pressure wire? Good suggestion and doesn't involve buying a part to try. However the first suspect is the relay. Monitoring for correct voltage is important.
  13. FrankM

    Stalled at 50MPH??

    Re: hmm,, i don't think its gas incorrect theory about this fuel injection system let's guess at something else now..........
  14. FrankM

    Stalled at 50MPH??

    well its $118 down the drain verses $118 for diagnosis and a direction to follow I have to work hard for $118 and I am careful how I spend it.
  15. FrankM

    Recovering Steering Wheel

    At Carlisle there are many that sell the wheels all made up. SOme will even installit for you. I am not sure if they would make a custom one up for you on the spot.
  16. FrankM

    update on my Michelin tire experience

    I bought 4 Michelin Pilot tires awhile back, 275/40x17 and wanted to let the forum know how my experience has been with them. As most realize the Michelin are usually a few dollars more. Is it worth the difference......you decide Usuage: Due to my maturity :-) I drive in a normal fashion. Never...
  17. FrankM

    Why did GM quit making the white Z06?

    I currently have two white cars. They are the easiest to keep clean (from showing the dirt and dust) The down side is when all waxed up the reward is not as good as black cars.
  18. FrankM

    Stalled at 50MPH??

    pretty expensive guess !!!! hint: try monitoring fuel pressure
  19. FrankM

    Stalled at 50MPH??

    what is it you are looking for?
  20. FrankM

    Stalled at 50MPH??

    let us know if its the VATS. I will eat my Hat !!!]
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