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  1. FrankM

    Chrome my wheels?

    Re: wait i miss understood my dad, i guess Please show us some pictures. I like chrome goodies!!!
  2. FrankM

    corvette manuals for sale

    Re: GM Manual vs Haynes Very true, however these are parts manuals not repair manuals. They are good to see how things are assembled but offer no service information or specs.
  3. FrankM

    SHEESH $573.00 for a MASS Airflow Sensor???

    What ever your name is (black ice?), what brand air filter are you using?
  4. FrankM

    What do u guy's Idle at 85' - 91's

    Re: yeah, thats what i thought REPEAT REPEAT You set the mimium idle at 400 rpms. You need to eliminate the ECM idle control signal/counts to do this. 550 - 700 rpms in Drive, reverse, a/c on, turning steering wheel. same as previous post
  5. FrankM

    What do u guy's Idle at 85' - 91's

    Thats what you set the miminum idle at. The ECM regulates the actual idle. In most cases it is at 550-700 rpm depending what is on and what gear your are in. (automatics) When you first start, the ECM lets it idle at 1100 and drops down within the first minute to controlled idle.
  6. FrankM

    corvette manuals for sale

    Does the dealership know they are in your possession and you are selling them? I do not want to buy property with questionable origin. :nono
  7. FrankM

    corvette manuals for sale

    Re: Mark Twain And I believe it went on to say "by the time I was 30 yrs. old, my father was the smartest man in the world" :beer
  8. FrankM

    corvette manuals for sale

    Re: DING, DING, DING, we have a winner! Please be patient, he is only a kid.;)
  9. FrankM

    corvette manuals for sale

    Are the manuals HOT?
  10. FrankM

    visit from vettguy

    to whomever you are in dover,nh, do you have his email etc? I need to get in touch with him thanks
  11. FrankM

    I Have CarFax Until June 5th...So Send In Your Requests

    could you check; YV1AX8849K1366388 thanks a bunch :_rock
  12. FrankM

    I Have CarFax Until June 5th...So Send In Your Requests

    Please 1G1YY2189J5100350 thankyou
  13. FrankM

    Rear main seal leaks...>

    If it truely is the rear main seal leaking with only 850 miles on it, then something is wrong and it will only get worse quickly. Trust me. However as mentioned, I would verify that it is the rear main before I would tear it down.
  14. FrankM

    Power Window problem in desperate need of help!

    you need to confirm that there is proper voltage at the window motor when it decides to not work. A common sympton of a failed window motor is, intermittent or binding after a down/up sequence. After a cool down it may work for another sequence.
  15. FrankM

    Gas mileage question

    Beginning around 50k the O² sensor can get lazy. If I had more than 60K I would automatically change it. I have seen as much as a 15% increase in mileage from changing a lazy O² sensor. I don't think yours is that bad, however you can monitor crosscounts to verify it.
  16. FrankM

    lcd instrument question

    you will have to go deep into the bank vault when you buy the bulbs. do a site search, there are some alternatives.
  17. FrankM

    Can you repair without body shop?

    Spend $20 for this kit. Over the years I have tried everything. The wet sanding works ok,its alot of work too. I laugh when I think I did that too. This stuff is the easiest and the best. http://www.langka.com I no longer worry about rock chips. I fixed all mine last year in about an hour...
  18. FrankM

    Alterantor light stays on dimly 12v idle 13v driving.

    was there an actual problem before the rebuilding?
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