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  1. douglasamariani

    81 Running/Stopping

    Disconnected my friends on his 81 14 years ago and never looked back. You'll be fine
  2. douglasamariani

    Help! Car stalls when hot

    Glad I can help. I also answered your other question on Thursday
  3. douglasamariani

    Corvette moving out of the States - which parts should I buy for backup?

    F&R Brake pads, Spark plugs, Fan Belts, Oil, Gas and air Filters, are a must
  4. douglasamariani

    Question: 82 car seats

    Recaro seats will make a world of difference. Do Not get the race seats
  5. douglasamariani

    Happy 4th of July Everyone

    Happy 4th of July Everyone
  6. douglasamariani

    Question: BUILD SHEET

    Here you go GM Vin decoder: VIN Decoder - Chevrolet Forum - Chevy Enthusiasts Forums https://www.gmheritagecenter.com/gm-heritage-archive/vehicle-information-kits.html
  7. douglasamariani

    Help! Car stalls when hot

    Hi Stelios First off congratulations on your Corvette. One of the first things I would check is for a vacuum leak or a vacuum hose that may have fallen off or cracked. The second is to make sure your AC high idle solenoid is working properly. First check those two things which are very...
  8. douglasamariani

    Saw a corvette c3

    C3's of course :) 1968 NCRS 427/4spd 1980 350/700r4
  9. douglasamariani

    82 Collector's Edition

    Post pictures (inside & out) of it for a better determination of it's value.
  10. douglasamariani

    'Twas the night before Christmas

    'Twas the night before Christmas And in the garage. There wasn't a trace of a Ford or Dodge. The presents were wrapped and the lights were all lit, So I figured I'd go mess with my Corvette for a bit. I popped the release and I lifted the hood, When a deep voice behind me said "Looks pretty...
  11. douglasamariani

    Twas the night before Christmas

    'Twas the night before Christmas And in the garage. There wasn't a trace of a Ford or Dodge. The presents were wrapped and the lights were all lit, So I figured I'd go mess with my Corvette for a bit. I popped the release and I lifted the hood, When a deep voice behind me said "Looks pretty...
  12. douglasamariani

    Twas the night before Christmas

    'Twas the night before Christmas And in the garage. There wasn't a trace of a Ford or Dodge. The presents were wrapped and the lights were all lit, So I figured I'd go mess with my Corvette for a bit. I popped the release and I lifted the hood, When a deep voice behind me said "Looks pretty...
  13. douglasamariani

    Twas the night before Christmas

    'Twas the night before Christmas And in the garage. There wasn't a trace of a Ford or Dodge. The presents were wrapped and the lights were all lit, So I figured I'd go mess with my Corvette for a bit. I popped the release and I lifted the hood, When a deep voice behind me said "Looks pretty...
  14. douglasamariani

    Twas the night before Christmas

    'Twas the night before Christmas And in the garage. There wasn't a trace of a Ford or Dodge. The presents were wrapped and the lights were all lit, So I figured I'd go mess with my Corvette for a bit. I popped the release and I lifted the hood, When a deep voice behind me said "Looks pretty...
  15. douglasamariani

    Twas the night before Christmas

    'Twas the night before Christmas And in the garage. There wasn't a trace of a Ford or Dodge. The presents were wrapped and the lights were all lit, So I figured I'd go mess with my Corvette for a bit. I popped the release and I lifted the hood, When a deep voice behind me said "Looks pretty...
  16. douglasamariani

    Twas the night before Christmas

    'Twas the night before Christmas And in the garage. There wasn't a trace of a Ford or Dodge. The presents were wrapped and the lights were all lit, So I figured I'd go mess with my Corvette for a bit. I popped the release and I lifted the hood, When a deep voice behind me said "Looks pretty...
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