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  1. jdp6000

    HELP - 82 crossfire problems.

    You may want to head over to the Crossfire forum. Lost of people there with modifications. http://www.crossfire.homeip.net/ From what I have read about your type of conversion. The stock O2 probably will not work. I think you need to go with a heated O2. I'm not sure on the effect of the MSD...
  2. jdp6000

    Defroster Vent Question.

    First with the A/C on feel one of the pipes coming from the the compressor. It sould be cold. Second feel the hose that goes to the shut off valve (near the passengerside rear of the engine)...should be a temp difference on one side if its working. Third, make sure the flap in the core box...
  3. jdp6000

    Defroster Vent Question.

    Its not a one way. Its there to trap any oil or crud that may escape from the engine. The vacuum part operates the ports tha direct the heat/cool air to the various vents. Thats the upper control on your switch. It also contols the cut off valve on one of the heater core hoses (upper...
  4. jdp6000

    Looking for advice from L-88 experts

    Who knows...you could have got a sweet deal. Jim
  5. jdp6000

    Power Door Locks

    I think the switches are the same. You'll know....your 5 prong plug will have to fit into the switch. I just can't see how both of yours went at the same time. did you try a test light??If you moved the switch to the open position and hold it there you should have light on the open side and...
  6. jdp6000

    Power Door Locks

    Have you tried swapping the switches. The important one is with the tan wire. If that one is not working it won't let the power through. Jim
  7. jdp6000

    Power Door Locks

    Have you tried running 12 volts to the tan wire? Thats the one tha tells it to unlock. Jim
  8. jdp6000

    Power Door Locks

    You realize the power lock switches work in series. If one is out the other won't work. Both must be connected for them to work. Jim
  9. jdp6000

    TBI --- Injector rebuild kits ??

    Willcox (http://www.willcoxcorvette.com) sells the kits. You can also get them from GM. Easy to rebuild. I did mine. Some kits only include the gaskets others have the fuel diaphrams. Jim
  10. jdp6000

    car has a miss

    I would try decarbonizing the intake with a good cleaner for starters. If that doesn't work...My guess is fuel delivery related...possibly a fuel filter. Worse case scenario would be the fuel pump. Do you have access to a fuel pressure guage? Do you have a couple of ignition wires crossing...
  11. jdp6000

    How hard is it to recover old seats?

    If its just a seam you can sew it. Order some hog ties and get your self a set of hog tie plyers first. Cut off the existing hog ties...remove the cover from the foam and repair it. Then reinstall with the hoge ties...just that alone will make hug difference in appearance. Jim
  12. jdp6000

    car has a miss

    A miss could be just about anything on a "carbed" car. Start with the usual tune up parts....I see you have replaced some. Did you replace the cap and rotor? How about the fuel filter?? To point in a specific direction more information is need. Exactly what does it do and when? Example...does...
  13. jdp6000

    How hard is it to recover old seats?

    I relpaced my covers on the old foams. the problem is the new covers are made for unmatted foam. They fit but you may need to build up the sides with half inch foam. Here is what you need. The new covers of course, some half inch thich foam, buy the rod set and hog ties ("c" shaped stapes)...
  14. jdp6000

    Windshield frame rust - Expert advice needed

    I see mostly green metal. I've seen frames replaced with worse then what you have. The key is structural integrity. If its solid where the window sits on the frame and solid where the frame attaches to the door area then don't cut it out. Stop the rust. Patch the bad area. I'll tell you how...
  15. jdp6000

    Windshield frame rust - Expert advice needed

    It doesn't seem to bad to me. I've seen worse. Clean it up. Jim
  16. jdp6000

    Intake Cleaner

    Throttle body cleaner works. Spray it on and wipe it off. Jim
  17. jdp6000

    wiper arms

    Each wiper arm sites on a theaded shaft. There is a clip under the wiper arm where it sites on the shaft. You can pull the wiper arms off by pushing on the clip. You can then reposition them. Its possible the threaded shaft is stipped on one or both of the wipers. If this is the case you will...
  18. jdp6000

    1977 'Buying' question........

    Good choice. All you need to is at http://www.crossfire.homeip.net/ Jim
  19. jdp6000

    Headlight vacuum hose check

    Could be the valve between the headlights or the seals in the actuators. Jim
  20. jdp6000

    Headlight vacuum hose check

    Easy to figure out if this is your problem. The vaccum supply is from the rear driverside on the manifold. Its just behind the throttle body. You will see a couple of hoses that go in to a round orfice and then a single hose that goes into the manfold. Unplug the orfice and plug the hose going...
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