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  1. L

    Help! 86 Power window switch replacement

    I need to replace the power window switch in the consel of my 86. From what I understan is that it can be done without removing the consel. How?
  2. L

    1986 Stereo Wiring Diagram

    I've searched the forum and couldn't find anything. I'm replacing the Bose stereo in my 1986 convertable with an after market non-Bose system including new wires and speakers. One question and one request. I found that the rear speakers are 6 by 9 inche but what speakers best fit in the door...
  3. L

    00-04 Chrome Lug Nut Covers

    For Sale: 20 brand new, never used, chrome lug nut covers for 00 - 04 corvette. E-mail me or leave message if interested. Price: cheap plus shipping.
  4. L

    Radio Relay

    Via trial and error I found if I leave my stock Bose radio on in my 1986 convertible when I park it for a week the battery will be dead. If I remember to turn the radio off the battery is fine. I figure that the "radio relay" is probably the cause but also have read that it is a bit#h to...
  5. L

    Corvette Racing

    Had a blast today. The Erie (Pennsylvania) Speedway opened its asphalt banked 3/8 mile track to our corvette club to open up our vettes and do some laps. Even though we couldn't "race" it was a blast to open up my vette and see what she could do without worrying about getting a ticket. Big...
  6. L

    Belt Tensioner Replacement...Finally

    Belt Tensioner Bearing Replacement...Finally Just finished changing mine out. Took about 1/2 hour total, real easy to do. 1. Loosen the A/C accumulator (just loosen the bracket, don't disconnect any hoses) so you can move it out of the way. 2. Using a 1/2" ratchet or breaker bar in the...
  7. L


    Thinking about putting on a CATBACK SS Magnaflow system on my stock 86 convertible this year. Any input on choice of system, where to purchase, etc is appreciated. Just looking for a little more rumble than the stock system but not too loud for the convertible. Thanks.
  8. L

    Belt tensioner bearing

    The bearing went out on my belt tensioner (1986 convert). I was told I could just replace the bearing instead of the entire unit, is this true? If so, where is the best place to get the bearing? If not true, where is the best place to get the tensioner w/ bearing? Someone also told me the bolt...
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