My horn was got stuck the other day, had to pull off the button, and would not stop, finally the fuse blew. Put a new fuse in and horn kept going till it blew again.. any thoughts, Im thinking the relay. if so, where in the hell is it???:mad
If i had a match I would burn this car to the ground!! So, i finally get this car on the road, running perfect, and I get stuck going through a monster rain storm. I had no choice but to go through a pretty large pool of water and then it happened.... the tach stopped working! any thoughts on...
Ok, so please give me an explanation. The car started and ran beautiful 3 days ago!! Went to take it for ride, turns over, but will not start> WTF!! Any easy suggestions. Battery full charged, full tank of gas. Have not touched anything. Trying to avoid getting it towed to the garage.:mad...
hey guys I have an issue that needs to be addressed asap. I had an oil pump installed last year, the pump is reading 40psi at the motor. The guage starts at 40psi, but once the car is on the road, it jummps to 80psi and stays tacked out. Once in awhile it jumps back down to 40psi, and then...
;helpPlease help! Im lost again! I have an 81' that just came out of the shop because the check engine light would not shut down after the car was off. The mechanic said it had something to do with cross wiring when i installed a new radio. Problem- the car hesitates in every gear, similar to...
Need a little assistance. I have an 81' corvette. When the car is off the check engine light stays lit, causing my battery to dye. When i start the car, the light turns off. Any suggestions or reasoning.
I have blown 2 power antennas in 5 years on my car, Is this a common problem, or do you think I have a short some where. Both, were professionally installed. Im about to go standard on it. Especially at 200.00 a piece!:bash
Everytime i start my 1981 corvette, it starts perfect, then the check engine light will come on, and the horsepower of the car is greatly affected. It stays on for about 15 minutes, then goes away. The car runs perfectly strong when the light is off. When its on the car completely boggs out, no...
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