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  1. G

    Body work

    Any suggestions on a good body shop in the Long Beach/South Bay/Orange County area? My 69 has alot of small cracks and a few large ones also.
  2. G


    Getting ready to rip out the interior for paint and new upholstory. Since the '69 is now over 35 yrs old, it there any maintaince that could/should be done now, rather than remove the dash later? Tach and spedo work well now, but everything needs to be oiled eventualy, right??
  3. G

    AC delete

    I want to delete the AC/heater box on the firewall of my 69 BB. Will a stock heater box completely cover the hole in th firewall?? and bolt up to the same mounting holes??
  4. G

    Body work suggestions

    Any suggestions to pick someone for body work in the Long Beach/Los Angeles area? I will paint the car myself afterwards. Price is important, but quality work is the #1 priority.
  5. G

    Broken motor mount?

    Just changed the upper radiator hose on my 69 BB. It had a groove in it where the alt. belt hit it. I think there are 2 possibilities as to what happened. I recently changed the belts when I replaced the ps pump. May have hit when the belts were not tight. Or, broken motor mount. The hose...
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