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    Project Rear End 2007

    Well it's time to kick off "Project Rear End 2007"! My poor '65 has been suffering from rotting trailing arm bushings for the past year or two and I have been waiting for the right time to take the plunge. It's big $$$ and of course there is the "might as well" factor which expands every...
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    Correct radiator hoses for '65 SB

    I just ordered a replacement radiator from Dewitts for my '65 327/300. Just wondering if they hoses they sell on their site are the correct repro hoses. Anyone know? Here they are: Upper: http://www.dewitts.com/pages/productdetail.asp?ProdID=43 Lower...
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    Time to replace calipers on '65, need advice

    Hi folks, Well the rears are leaking so it's time for new SS sleeved calipers. In looking at the Vette Brakes web site, I see there are a bunch of different options and I need some help on how to differentiate these. My car doesn't get driven that hard and only gets 500-1000 miles per year so...
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    '65 SB radiator replacement

    Hi folks, The radiator in my '65 SB is starting to show some minor leaks. It's not a problem at this point but I'm thinking of replacing it before it decides to blow up in some remote location with no cell phone reception (isn't that where it always happens?). It's a correct, undated Harrison...
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    215/70-15 tires ok for C2?

    Hi folks, I guess the correct replacement tire size for the C2 is 205/75-15, but as you probably know there isn't a lot of selection in that size. Also, most of them are designed for high-mileage applications with hard compounds, and since my '65 only goes a couple thousand miles a year I'm...
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    Paint for '65 saddle interior

    Hi folks, Does anyone know the correct paint brand(s) and color code for a '65 saddle interior? I need to repaint my center console. Thanks in advance, Andy
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    Midyears: What tires are you using?

    I'll be replacing the tires on my '65 in the near future and was curious about what other Midyear owners are using. My car is a driver so I'm only interested in radials. Here are my questions: 1. What size, brand and model are your tires? 2. Do you like them? Why or why not? 3. Would you...
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    '65 gas cap leaking

    Hi all, Under hard cornering with a full tank my gas cap leaks fuel. I can smell it while driving and if I stop and flip up the filler cover I can see some still in there (the rest must be draining out the drain hole). Since the gas cap looks original the most likely culprit is the gasket...
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