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    1976-1982 Parts FS

    parts update door panels gone....does anyone even look at the forum any more? Guess not!
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    1976-1982 Parts FS

    Bumper sold, door panels pending.....nobody wants this dash overlay?
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    1976-1982 Parts FS

    Corvette bumper, attachment supports: $170 http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g12/uhvette/BUMPER.jpg 2 Door Panel 2 Arm Rest 1976-1982 (I think these years are correct) These are the desert sand color. $100 http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g12/uhvette/doorpanels.jpg New Black Dash Overlay...
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    Painted Calipers - Pics

    What do you think of painted calipers?
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