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  1. 96corvetteLT4

    LT4 Would you buy an LT4.....would you sell one?

    I too have had mine almost 4 years now. It is my daily driver so it gets a lot of miles, but I enjoy every one of them! I am not looking to sell any time soon as I have many mods I would like to do. Combine that with good gas mileage and no major service, and it makes it hard to replace with...
  2. 96corvetteLT4

    Heater Core Replacement- 94

    Heater core replacement I dont think any of them come out from the engine side. On my '96 it comes out from the inside, and to do it I had to remove most of the dash. I pulled the seats, console, and all the dash internals. This was necessary to be able to move wires, relays, and ducts out...
  3. 96corvetteLT4

    LT1 stock exhaust questions

    I agree with 'toms94' on the stock exhaust system. This brings up another question for me, how much can you modify the engine before the stock exhaust becomes too restrictive? This will probably generate several replies due to the fact that 'too restrictive' is a relative term determined...
  4. 96corvetteLT4

    Check out this deal!!!

    Other tires .... I bought my GY GS-D3's from Discount Tire. It took a week to get them, as they were out of stock and had to get them from a warehouse in Lousianna. My only problem is they wore out too quick. My current set of tires I purchased from Tire Rack. I chose Sumitomos. I bought a full...
  5. 96corvetteLT4

    High Beam Switch

    Sounds like a wiring problem in the steering column. I once had an Olds 442 that would not start, unless you had the wheel down at driving position. Replaced the wiring in the column, fixed the problem.
  6. 96corvetteLT4


    JEFNLSA - I purchased a pair of 315/35's D3's back in Nov. 2003 from Discount Tire. So far I have 22k on them, and expect to replace them before they reach 25k. They cost me just under $700 out the door. I think they are a little cheaper now. BTW - you can go to www.tires.com to check the...
  7. 96corvetteLT4

    Illustration of 95 Vette Passanger Air Bag Area

    The pad over the airbag stays with the dash pad. I too thought it was seperate, but it is not. The clips at the windshield are pretty tough, I used a long, flat piece of metal strip to reach in and spread the spring slightly to ease removal of the pad. Going back in it pretty much popped into...
  8. 96corvetteLT4

    Illustration of 95 Vette Passanger Air Bag Area

    I have a '96 and recently replaced the heater core. This required that I remove the dash pad, air bag, and, well, the whole dash and supports basically. What a pain. Anyway, to get to the air bag, you have to remove the dash pad. Remove the air vents, left, right, and center, then remove the...
  9. 96corvetteLT4

    Ho-Hum Foglights, '95

    The Silverstars are that good. I noticed the same thing when I replaced my headlamps. With the old ones, it would light up the area between the car and the headlamp beams. With the new Silverstars installed, the fog lights became daytime running lights, or lights to use at dusk/dawn when I do...
  10. 96corvetteLT4

    Question about tire vibration

    I have the same tires only on the front of my car. It has always had a vibration problem (small) above 50. Sometimes it is worse than others. The tires seem to flat spot easily. One way I found to lessen the vibration was to raise the air pressure from 32 psi to 35 psi. This did not...
  11. 96corvetteLT4

    Muffler Eliminators

    UB2 SLOW, how is the resonance with the eliminators? Do you still run the stock resonator? I have Borla mufflers on the stock exhaust, they sound great, but have a lot of resonance and are not quite load enough for me. The muffler eliminators may be what I am looking for.
  12. 96corvetteLT4

    Windshield Leak on 87 Coupe

    I had a similar leak on the driver's side windshield of my car. I removed the trim on the inside to be able to get a good look at how things are put together. Using the factory service manual, and looking closely, I found there is one piece of trim attached to the windsheild with sealer...
  13. 96corvetteLT4

    Replacement heater core problems

    Thanks for the offer Justardnck, I kept my old one and will have it rebuilt if I need to replace it again (hope not!).
  14. 96corvetteLT4

    What happened to our oil filters?

    The AC PF1218 is the filter I use on my 2000 dually with 454. There is also another AC filter used on early '70s trucks that is longer like the PF1218, but can't remember the #.
  15. 96corvetteLT4

    Water leak on Driver's side door

    I have a similar leak as "lelandschultz" above. I read through the factory service manual and followed it to find the leak. It says to use soapy water (409 in my case) to spray on the outside, and use an air hose to spray from the inside out, looking for bubbles. Start down low and work your...
  16. 96corvetteLT4

    Replacement heater core problems

    Well, I found that the AC Delco replacement was the closest to the original. I installed it with only minor bending of the tubes to get it in. I will hang on to the original one "just in case". If for some reason I need to replace it again, I will have a new core put in using the original...
  17. 96corvetteLT4

    Replacement heater core problems

    Those that have replaced their heater core, did you have problems with fitment of the replacement core? I removed mine and went to get a replacement at OReiley, it was not the same. The outlet hoses were the wrong length, the top mount notch was off, etc. After checking several other...
  18. 96corvetteLT4

    C4 Glove Box Question???

    In my '96, the right lower compartment has a piece of styrofoam in the bottom, with cutouts for the jack to sit in. Nothing moves around in there.
  19. 96corvetteLT4

    LT4 Is the optispark an issue on 96CE LT4?

    Before buying my 'vette, I looked at the 94-96 Impala SS. They have the same issue with the water pump and opti. There were several people who had replaced their water pump, and added a drain tube to divert the water away from the opti. Don't know if this saved anyone from replacing the opti...
  20. 96corvetteLT4

    93 drivers side window problems

    It sounds like the window stop has moved, is gone, or the pad on the stop is gone. Either way it requires removal of the door panel. If you don't have one, get a manual, then tear the door apart. The parts are usually not too expensive, it just takes time to do the work, then to adjust the...
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