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1954 Corvette Nomad


Active member
Apr 30, 2007
Annandale, VA
1996 Grand Sport; 1998 Pace car; 1978 Pace car
I've written a 2-part article on line about the 1954 Motorama Corvette Nomad. Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here. If you get the chance, please take a look.

I don't mind the two-door stationwagons (almost bought a Vega wagon but luckily I sobered up) but, of the Motorama cars, I'm more inclined to the fastback Corvair than the Nomad...

Chevrolet's first Corvair

Thanks for posting the links to the Nomad articles. Great reading. I am a Nomad fan from way back and always have wanted a '55. I got to see the 2004 Nomad concept at the Detroit show. Too bad it didn't make it into production. It was a great piece and I would have been in line to get one.


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