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Question: 1956 - 265 v8 & driveline


New member
Mar 8, 2011
Florida Panhandle
I recently bought a 1923 T-Bucket from North Carolina which has a Chevy 265 v8 engine. I took it to the shop to have a rear bearing replaced and was talking to the shop owner. When I told him it was a 265 he looked around the engine and noticed that the hole pattern for the valve covers were off-set and the breather valve was in the rear of the engine. This was his first indication of the year of the engine (pre-1957). He removed the rear axles and sent them out to a machine shop. After ordering new bearings and seals he called me back. The seals that he ordered apparently were only used on the 1956 Corvette. That together with the age of the engine and the availability of the Chevy 265 leads him to believe that the engine and driveline from my T-bucket is from a 1956 Corvette.
The engine is in awesome mechanical and visual condition and the driveline is solid which made me think this might be of more value to someone restoring an old vette than it is to me.
Is there a way to cross reference the numbers on the engine to the original car?
I recently bought a 1923 T-Bucket from North Carolina which has a Chevy 265 v8 engine. I took it to the shop to have a rear bearing replaced and was talking to the shop owner. When I told him it was a 265 he looked around the engine and noticed that the hole pattern for the valve covers were off-set and the breather valve was in the rear of the engine. This was his first indication of the year of the engine (pre-1957). He removed the rear axles and sent them out to a machine shop. After ordering new bearings and seals he called me back. The seals that he ordered apparently were only used on the 1956 Corvette. That together with the age of the engine and the availability of the Chevy 265 leads him to believe that the engine and driveline from my T-bucket is from a 1956 Corvette.
The engine is in awesome mechanical and visual condition and the driveline is solid which made me think this might be of more value to someone restoring an old vette than it is to me.
Is there a way to cross reference the numbers on the engine to the original car?

Not to a specific car, as Corvettes didn't get the VIN stamped on the front pad until 1960; however, it can be confirmed as a Corvette engine. What's the block casting number (on the rear flange of the block on the driver's side), the block casting date (also on the rear flange, on the other side, about 6" toward the passenger side from the distributor hole), and what's stamped on the machined pad on the front of the block in front of the passenger side cylinder head?

Hi John,

The car is still at the shop waiting for the seals. We had to order them from a place in Kentucky. As soon as I get the information I'll post it here. Thanks for your input.

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