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1956 Radiator - with or without transmission cooler

MR Bill

Jul 11, 2013
Bay City Michigan
1956 Madador Red with Shorelione Beige Coves
Did the 1956 radiator with a Powerglide trans have an internal oil cooler? My radiator doesn't have an internal cooler and the car has a Powerglide trans. Just checking.

Also any recommendations for radiator work in mid-Michigan? Looking to get the radiator flushed and checked out before it goes back into the car. Thanks.
Did the 1956 radiator with a Powerglide trans have an internal oil cooler? My radiator doesn't have an internal cooler and the car has a Powerglide trans. Just checking.

Also any recommendations for radiator work in mid-Michigan? Looking to get the radiator flushed and checked out before it goes back into the car. Thanks.

I don't believe any had trans oil coolers... all the way up through 1967.

I know for a fact that 53-55's didn't have them. My 69 automatic DID have a cooler in the radiator.

56 Radiator

I don't believe any had trans oil coolers... all the way up through 1967.

I know for a fact that 53-55's didn't have them. My 69 automatic DID have a cooler in the radiator.


Thanks Chuck.....you are correct. Got mine out and no cooler provisions. Can't trust what you see on some Radiator shop sites. Appreciate your feedback.
Thanks Chuck.....you are correct. Got mine out and no cooler provisions. Can't trust what you see on some Radiator shop sites. Appreciate your feedback.

Corvette Powerglides were air-cooled from 1953 through early '63 production; from there through 1967, they used a separate trans fluid cooler mounted ahead of the radiator. Starting in 1968, automatics had the trans fluid cooler integrated into the passenger side radiator tank.


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