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1960 corvette window frame question


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Clifton, VA
1960 Roman Red
I just purchased a 1960 corvette as a retirement project. I have no prior experience with restoring an old corvette.

It has a partial restore by a previous owner then purchased by a vintage corvette dealer who has had it for 5 years or so. Sitting with no further work.

I got the car and a bunch of parts and pieces and am trying to sort everything out.

I have a question regarding windshield parts. In particular the pot metal side frame pieces. From all the pictures I have seen the bottom of this frame piece has an indented area to receive a plate to attached to the bottom frame (picture on left below). The frame pieces that I have do not have this indention (picture on right). Do I have the incorrect side frame pieces for a 1960 corvette? I am concerned that the guy I bought this vett from mixed parts and pieces.

Thanks in advance,

Don Harris
Your tabs have broken off (very common C1 issue); Corvette Central and Paragon both offer the repair service shown in the left side photo in your post.


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