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1966 headlight operation

paul robb

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2003
1966 silver pearl coupe
Having trouble with the rotation on the passenger side headlight. It rotates about halfway down and stops,second try it will close. Now it stops halfway and i need to give a helping hand. any help on what needs to be done would be greatly appreciated.
Paul. :confused
To determine if it is the motor or the headlamp (rotating) assembly, pull the lock clip and back the motor out of the assembly to see if the swivels have rusted or are full of highway bugs/debris.

If the assembly rotates freely, unplug the motor and unscrew the ground wire and bracket and bench test the motor. The case has to be grounded and the spade connectors will operate it each way when 12volts is applied to each one.

If that's ok, check the headlamp switch and connections.
Magicv8 : Thank you for your quick responce. Your answer has been very helpful and i Hope to get the job done soon.

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