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1967 coupe with under 3K miles

Aug 19, 2004
Denver, CO
'72 Targa Blue Coupe
Been awhile since I have posted, although I "lurk" occassionally. I looked around the Forum and didn't see this posted. Amazing story:


Wonder what the new owner paid? Anyone else know of this car?
I don't know anything about this car but man what a story. It's kind of sad really. Can you imagine owning
a car like that from new and only driving at night, and only putting 3k miles on it. Sounds a little Howard Hughes-ish
to me. The guy must have had some problem to put it politely, but he definately had good taste in cars.
Absolutely amazing. How would you even put a value on it?

What a beautiful car, but what a sad story. Nam must have scewed him up bigtime.

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