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Help! 1967 Headlight bucket pivot felts


New member
Jan 20, 2013
Fort Worth, Texas, United Stat
1967 convertible
I have cleaned and ready to reassemble the headlight buckets in my 67 vette. I have been unable to determine what, if any lubricant is added or used in the felts that sandwich between the flat washer/rubber grommet and the pivot bearing. I have researched NCRS, Nolan Adams, The Chevrolet Chassis service manual and the corvette assembly and technical guild by Adams. It is unclear if these were these were left dry or impregnated with motor oil as one forum poster suggested. Any advice?
I have cleaned and ready to reassemble the headlight buckets in my 67 vette. I have been unable to determine what, if any lubricant is added or used in the felts that sandwich between the flat washer/rubber grommet and the pivot bearing. I have researched NCRS, Nolan Adams, The Chevrolet Chassis service manual and the corvette assembly and technical guild by Adams. It is unclear if these were these were left dry or impregnated with motor oil as one forum poster suggested. Any advice?

As noted in the Assembly Manual (UPC 12, sheet A2, lubrication item 7C adjacent to item #8, felt seal), go to the explanation for item 7C in the Lubrication section, UPC 0, sheet D3, where 7C says Oil, Engine, "Headlamp opening cover pivot bearing seal - impregnate seal then drain to prevent dripping".

Welcome to the CAC. These small things can often be a real pain to find. Fortunately we have some very knowledgeable folks on here like John to come to the rescue.


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