My wife and I aquired a 69 Coupe from her brother who passed away. Among the issues with this car is the problem with the headlights/wipers. We replaced all the hoses this weekend and still cannot get the headlight doors to open. I think we will have to replace some of the other components as well but are unsure where to go from here. Our other problem is the fact that the car seems to idle to high (1100 RPM in park) and down to about 750-850 in drive. This car we think has a different cam other than the stock one. Our question is this. Are the RPM's too high? Also, this morning we started the car and about three minutes into warming up, the RPM's dropped by about 200, then went back up. This all happened in about 2 seconds. This happened 3 times while in park. I am by no means a mechanic so I am searching for a few answers.
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the help!