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1977 C3 vette


New member
Dec 13, 2015
Clarion, PA
I'm new to this site. I'm doing a body off restoration on two vetted. The 1997 and also a 1980. The 80 had an engine fire and damage the firewall. Does anyone know if someone makes a bolt in or whatever new firewall.

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Welcome to the CAC

In a word, no. I am not even aware of a source for a firewall as a new replacement part. Any way you would have to cut out the old damaged area and glass in a repair panel cut from a parted out car. I've done this before with my cars. You can contact a Corvette salvage yard and have them cut out the panel you need according to the photos and measurements you supply. Have it cut bigger than you need so that you have extra material to work with when fitting it into the hole you will make when removing the damaged area. You may want to remove the complete panel where it's bonded in to avoid obvious repairs when it's done.

This yard, Wayne's Auto Parts in Dover Ohio, looks to have a bunch of cut up C3 bodies which would make it easy to extract a firewall. This looks to be fairly close to you.

I'm going to move this thread to the C3 Technical forum so more C3 people will see it.

Welcome to CAC!!!
good luck with your resto project!!!
you could check with Contemporary Corvettes in Bristol PA.
not to far from you...

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