Hey all
I am in the middle of an engine rebuild and I am following a manual from northern called "How to build the Small Block Chevrolet" I am porting and polishing the head with the kit that's available and I notice a warning in the book about casting number 624 or 462624. The book recommends scrapping and not wasting money on rebuilding because this particular casting is prone to cracking. figure the odds!! can any of you motor head types confirm this???
I am in the middle of an engine rebuild and I am following a manual from northern called "How to build the Small Block Chevrolet" I am porting and polishing the head with the kit that's available and I notice a warning in the book about casting number 624 or 462624. The book recommends scrapping and not wasting money on rebuilding because this particular casting is prone to cracking. figure the odds!! can any of you motor head types confirm this???