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Question: 1980 Corvette spare tire.


Active member
Jul 3, 2015
Cheektowaga, NY
1980 Mellow Yellow
I purchased a 1980 Corvette last summer (2015). It does not have a spare tire. From my research I have found the original was a P195/80D15 which is impossible to locate. Any suggestions as to what I can use as a replacement for the upcoming summer?
It was originally a 'donut' spare tire and your right they are damn near impossible to find...
you can however find a rim that fits on your vette and get a regular tire mounted on the rim and put it back up where it belongs,
you may be able to find and OEM spare on e-bay,or if you know of a older junk yard in your area call them and ask.
it may also find a model car from that era that might have one,eg impala or caprices.. :thumb

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