Hello all, I have read through numerous postings, however, none really answer my questions, so please bear with me...
Two weeks ago, my drivers side t-top cracked. I have no idea why..the top is the Blue Safety AS-3 FlowLite NN-7 M1131.
I found a repalcement at a local shop, however, I am not happy with the fit (the two tops fit together above the windshield, but have a 1/2 inch gap at the back edge)and the replacement has a rough, dull faded edge trim around the entire top, vs the origional which has a nice smooth gloss black trim.
So, I would like to know;
1) Is there anywhere in or around Toronto Canada which repairs T-Tops ? I know of two in the US, but really don't want to be shipping back and forth across the border.
2) Re the fit - I have tried adjusting everything, including where the pins slide in at the rear, and no luck... could someone please suggest how I might get the back of the two tops to come together, as teh origionals were ?
3) Is there a way to replace the trim so both tops match ?
Thanks in advance
Two weeks ago, my drivers side t-top cracked. I have no idea why..the top is the Blue Safety AS-3 FlowLite NN-7 M1131.
I found a repalcement at a local shop, however, I am not happy with the fit (the two tops fit together above the windshield, but have a 1/2 inch gap at the back edge)and the replacement has a rough, dull faded edge trim around the entire top, vs the origional which has a nice smooth gloss black trim.
So, I would like to know;
1) Is there anywhere in or around Toronto Canada which repairs T-Tops ? I know of two in the US, but really don't want to be shipping back and forth across the border.
2) Re the fit - I have tried adjusting everything, including where the pins slide in at the rear, and no luck... could someone please suggest how I might get the back of the two tops to come together, as teh origionals were ?
3) Is there a way to replace the trim so both tops match ?
Thanks in advance