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2003 Turbo Joe Creeper Classic


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2002
Carson City, Nevada
92 CR1;04 C5; 91 Aerobody Vert (nonTT)
Chris said: "Turbo Joe's innagural creeper challenge" had to be one of the funniest parts of the show - Who's got the pics??"

Without further ado, here are some of my pix from the Carlisle Creeper Classic.

Creeper Race Pix

Here's a picture of Joanne Mercer, our only lady contestant. She did well with a unique upright/backward creeper style.
Here is Creeper Luigi.

BTW, he had an unfair advantage on the rest of us, as he flew up from Florida and was tired out from keeping one eye in the rear view mirror for "The Man".
He finished well up in the standings...

Creeper Cameron on the Start Line

Here is Creeper Cameron on the start line. He also had an unfair advantage on most of us contestants, as he had only half the years and half the miles on his chassis.

And the winner is... Creeper Cameron

Here is a picture of Cameron in mid-course. He finished about 1-2 seconds ahead of the pack. Note the cornering style.

We are not sure if his cell phone ever worked again, though.

More Creeper Excitement

Here is another creeper challenge picture. I think Turbo Joe was explaining the rules to everyone at this time. For some reason, I don't have any pictures of Turbo Joe. I think he was moving too fast the entire time and the still camera could not pick him up.

Turbo Joe, thanks for organizing a fun and safe race event. There were only some minor body and hand scuffs during the whole event.

Nice pics Steve!!! I think next year we should go with the street luge theme on the hotel driveway... Zoom Zoom.
It was definately a lot of fun. I wish someone got a shot of myself and Scott. Going around the course when I was holding his legs.:Roll :Roll
Kudos to the creeper racers of Carlisle '03. You guys are all expert sportsmen! It just goes to show you that you can drive ANYTHING well! And Joanne, she sure knows how to kick some butt. I'll have an additional event for next year?!?! I personally had a blast, and it was just plain fun hanging out with all of my Callaway brothers and sisters! Thank You all for participating. :bu :bu :m

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