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2021 Circle City Corvettes Beach Caravan


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
2009 GT1 Championship Edition
Circle City Corvettes, Inc. is having it's annual Corvette Beach Caravan, October 28-30, 2021. There will be a Corvette caravan from Dothan, AL. to Panama City Beach, FL., and we are going to party!

Meet the special guests and attend their seminars. See the new C8.R edition, enter the Car Show or play Golf, or just relax on the beach. We will have door prizes, parties, and a Corvette Memorabilia auction to benefit the National Corvette Museum. For information contact John Hickman at 334-347-5908 or jehickman@roadrunner.com Check out the website for more information on agenda and hotels: http://www.circlecitycorvettes.com/caravan

I just got back from the Panama City Beach area! I wish I could go back with the C6!
Wish you could too. The event is a lot of fun. Besides Kirk Bennion and Damian Zink we are going to have Sharon Brawner from the NCM!

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