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Question: 5 blade or 7 blade fan

paul robb

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2003
1966 silver pearl coupe
Does anyone know witch fan actually pulls the most cfm's ? Some say the five blade fan will pull more cfm's than a seven blade fan.
The different corvette sites show the fans but have no other information. I would like to find the fan that pulls the most cfm living
here in Arizona. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is for a 66 vette with a 327/300
Does anyone know witch fan actually pulls the most cfm's ? Some say the five blade fan will pull more cfm's than a seven blade fan.
The different corvette sites show the fans but have no other information. I would like to find the fan that pulls the most cfm living
here in Arizona. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is for a 66 vette with a 327/300

Fan CFM is more a function of blade pitch than number of blades. The best '66-'67 fan is #3789562 - 5 blades, 18" diameter, 32* pitch, "H" and "W" stamped on the mounting ring center, arrowhead-shaped arms with four rivets. Identical alternative is #3863137 - "912239" and date code stamped on blades, rectangular arms, 5 rivets, 32* pitch. Both were used interchangeably on '66-'67 327's with A/C.

7-blade fans weren't used on '66-'67's, either small-blocks or big-blocks; non-A/C fans had less blade pitch (24*).

Fan CFM is more a function of blade pitch than number of blades. The best '66-'67 fan is #3789562 - 5 blades, 18" diameter, 32* pitch, "H" and "W" stamped on the mounting ring center, arrowhead-shaped arms with four rivets. Identical alternative is #3863137 - "912239" and date code stamped on blades, rectangular arms, 5 rivets, 32* pitch. Both were used interchangeably on '66-'67 327's with A/C.

7-blade fans weren't used on '66-'67's, either small-blocks or big-blocks; non-A/C fans had less blade pitch (24*).


Thanks for the quick answer John, One more question, what is the difference between the air condition fan
and the non- air condition fan ? I see one 5 blade fan advertised at 34.5 pitch. My vette is not a numbers
matching car and what I'm looking for is maximum cooling in summer with the air on. Thanks once again... Paul
Thanks for the quick answer John, One more question, what is the difference between the air condition fan
and the non- air condition fan ? I see one 5 blade fan advertised at 34.5 pitch. My vette is not a numbers
matching car and what I'm looking for is maximum cooling in summer with the air on. Thanks once again... Paul

The base (non-A/C) fan was #3770529 - 5 blades, 17-1/8" diameter, "H" on front of spider, "W" on back, 24* pitch, arrowhead arms, 5 rivets. This fan was used on all '63-'67 non-A/C 327 engines. Long Island Corvette Supply now has accurate reproductions of all midyear fans.


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