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53 Corvette on Display at NCM

Mike Terry

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
Greenwood, Indiana
63 SWC and 67 Coupe F/S 54 Corvette NFS
Last week 1953 Corvette Vin # 130 was put on display at the NCM with the 1,500,000th Corvette built. The NCM already had the 500,000th and the 1,000,000th Corvette on diaplay. This Corvette (Vin#130) is owned by my brother in law and was restored by Brett Henderson of Blue Flame Restoration, a CAC member. This car did a Bloomington Gold first time out and a NCRS Top Flight first time out of restoration. I think that says something for the guy who restored it. Stop in and see the display next time you are at the NCM.
Thanks, Mike.:D
Congrats all around, guys! :thumb

Unfortunately I can't get to the Museum any time soon... can someone share some pix?

:wJane Ann
When we delivered it to the NCM, we just dropped it off. The owner is going back down for a photo op in the next few weeks. I'll get some pics from him after that.

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