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59 flywheel


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2001
Adelaide South Australia
Hi All
Im trying to organise my flywheel and clutch assembly for my 283 but not sure what sort of flywheel I need to suit the starter that currently has 9 teeth on it and is there anything I should be aware of.
I did not have any of these parts as reference when I purchased this car

Thanks Jose ;shrug

I can't answer your specific question, but I can tell you that if you don't have a copy of Noland Adam's Restoration Guide, go get one. Lots of good information in there.

Another good book to have is "Road To Top Flight". It's by (I think) Mike Iaffalandano. I am sure i severely butchered the spelling of the last name and I'm not even sure if the first name is right, but if you find a copy of it it may be worth the price. It takes a '59 from a 'basket case' to a Top Flight car. Good info in there, too.

Some day I'm going to get back to Adelaide and enjoy your fine city again (and play some "Two Up" at the casino)

Bernie O.
All C1's use the same flywheel - 14" diameter, 168 teeth, originally casting #3729004; you can ONLY use that size flywheel on a C1 - the starter mounts to the bellhousing, not the engine, and C1 blocks don't have the starter mounting pad that began in the 1963 model year. You can't use a 153-tooth flywheel or block-mounted starter unless you have a block made after about July, 1962.


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