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62 Vette on E Bay

iron cross

Well-known member
Feb 18, 2003
Dearborn Mi.
Unrestored one owner 1962 Black FI car
I have reason to believe the black 62 Vette from Michigan now on E Bay is not a real FI car. It is more likely a very well done 340 car being passed of as a 360 FI piece. A search of the previous owners may support this:(
Over the past several months I have inspected advertised correct number fuel injected Corvettes only to find them to be fakes. Some were very good fakes, but fakes nevertheless. One even fooled an NCRS expert. Unfortunately, there are some dishonest individuals and dealers who are trying to make a fortune off of old Corvettes. Unless a person knows the car and its history or can trace the previous owners, my advice would be to keep your money until you find a car you can verify as 100% correct. These people could not care less about Corvettes. They would be dealing in Yugos if that is where they could rip you off.

Thanks for the alert. I was able to contact several sites where a fake 65 FI car was advertised and the owner changed his add to reflect it did not have the original engine in his "matching number" Corvette. The honest add would have said originally a 250 hp, now with replacement block and FI unit.

We need to keep exposing these dishonest ads. Buyer Beware!
That 62 did not sell on Ebay and is now listed on the Auto Trader, Collector Car section. A dealer in the business of selling Corvettes should know a correct car from a fake. Trying to lure buyers into thinking they are getting and original fuel injected Corvette that is a converted car is just good old fashioned fraud.

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