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63 corvette

Kevin Hoover

New member
Dec 9, 2012
Penn Yan, United States
thank you for the response to my door hinge issue i did find out there is no top or bottom or left or rite they are all the same after all the measuring and leveling and hair pulling i pulled the hinges out to inspect the pillars i was able to sneak my 9'' level thru the hinge holes the passenger side was almost perfectly straight the driver side was tipped out almost 3/8'' nothing appears to be broke or bent maybe factory issue? i have physically cut the mounting tabs off the hinges and repositioned them i put hinges back on i was able to make them set pretty close to where the passenger sides are i put the door on it doesnt swing to the floor when you open it now. have work to do to get the door to fit the hole thats ok thanks for all the help hope my findings will maybe help others! thanks again kevin (have gelcoat issues i would like to post in a few days! thank you)
I'm glad that you found a remedy for the hinge problem. Sounds like a lot of work but the results were worth the effort.


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