Well-known member
If you have been following my posts, you have shared my highs and lows during this entire restoration. Well, duty called and I had to go on travel for over a week on the West Coast. While I was gone, the paint man was to finish the wet sandings and buffing, then complete the underside of the hood and the inside of the engine bay area, along with under the wheel wells. Then final assembly would be this week.
Well, the fikle finger of fate has struck again, but in a tradgic way, he had a death in his immediate family, his M-I-L passed away with a heart attack during the week I was gone. He had to take some extended time off for the funeral and to settle affairs. This is much more important then any car show or any car and he certainly did the right thing. Family first...
Well he is back to work this Monday, and the car is being finished (paint wise this week) with the assembly will start next week. So the project time for the finish is mid October. Again, I don't want to rush this.
It certainly has been a very long processes, and I was hoping to have the car for the Ocean City Event this week end to launch it, but as we know life throughs you curve balls all the time. Sure I am disappointed but fully understand and feel bad for his loss. Under these circumstances the car can wait, family is the prioirty.
On thre bright side (or turning lemons into lemon aid) this will give me the winter to perfect the car for next year's shows. Also, Krisler is finishing up by wheels and they will be ready in a week, I just go a pair of BRAND NEW ORIGINAL 1963 Seat Belt assemblies. So they will be going into the car. This certainly will add a lot to the car, so I have a great pair of seat belts (look like the originals) in black for sale....
My trip was long and worked long hours so I did not really find out the painter's loss until I returned Saturday. Again as soon as I can I will take some photos and post them on the board for updates.....I have another trip lined up and will be away next week...returning the 12th and hopefully the car will be completed or very close.
So I guess I will just have to take the 2002 Vert to OC, but plan to have a great time anyhow....
Cheers to all :cheers:
Well, the fikle finger of fate has struck again, but in a tradgic way, he had a death in his immediate family, his M-I-L passed away with a heart attack during the week I was gone. He had to take some extended time off for the funeral and to settle affairs. This is much more important then any car show or any car and he certainly did the right thing. Family first...
Well he is back to work this Monday, and the car is being finished (paint wise this week) with the assembly will start next week. So the project time for the finish is mid October. Again, I don't want to rush this.
It certainly has been a very long processes, and I was hoping to have the car for the Ocean City Event this week end to launch it, but as we know life throughs you curve balls all the time. Sure I am disappointed but fully understand and feel bad for his loss. Under these circumstances the car can wait, family is the prioirty.
On thre bright side (or turning lemons into lemon aid) this will give me the winter to perfect the car for next year's shows. Also, Krisler is finishing up by wheels and they will be ready in a week, I just go a pair of BRAND NEW ORIGINAL 1963 Seat Belt assemblies. So they will be going into the car. This certainly will add a lot to the car, so I have a great pair of seat belts (look like the originals) in black for sale....
My trip was long and worked long hours so I did not really find out the painter's loss until I returned Saturday. Again as soon as I can I will take some photos and post them on the board for updates.....I have another trip lined up and will be away next week...returning the 12th and hopefully the car will be completed or very close.
So I guess I will just have to take the 2002 Vert to OC, but plan to have a great time anyhow....
Cheers to all :cheers: