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64 365 hp fuel pump spring.

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Engine started ticking ,I first thought it was a lifter. we're on the 3 day weekend, In the motel parking lot I pull both valve covers tighten all the valve 1/4 turn . noise still there. (O boy , then my mustang buddie pulls in, good thing I wasn't broke down) Loosen valves 1/4 turn. Some thing on this car are easy to work on. It's the spring in the fuel pump. When I got home pulled pump (not so easy ,R&R 2 hrs). I stole the spring out of a new pump. as the "old" pump has 5000. mile on it. Where can I buy just the spring?? It is not availble from gm. thx. rod


Here I go again with the Paragon Reproductions referral BUT on page 56 of their new catalog they have fuel pump rebuild kits, with the spring, for both the standard and the '64-'66 Special High Performance (yours) pump. Item number 496K.


Just trying to buy the spring if possible . The new pump cost me $28. from the local chev . also ordered a new fan clutch at the same time. I not always cheap, but I'll probably spend 8 hours trying to buy this $1.00 spring :).
pump spring

Just a thought. One other place you might try is an AC Delco distributor. Usually listed under auto electrical or fuel or air conditioning. I have found parts and kits ect. there that weren't available through the dealers.


BTW the last I knew GM had a 90 day parts warranty. How long have you had the pump? With only 5000 miles maybe your dealer will heip you out.
Pump was 2.5 years old. & dealer told me warranty is 1year.
Thanks, I'll keep digging rod

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