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Question: 65 brakes

  • Thread starter Thread starter LUCKY13
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My 65 has power brakes with the m.c. rebuilt by the experts outside Wash. D.C. I installed four new calipers and new brakelines. I also installed a new power brake booster. The brakes are satisfactory but not great, pedal is still a little spongy. I've bled them numerous times and I don't see air during the bleeding. Would it help if I installed a 66 J56 proportioning valve?
Lucky13, No, a J-56 valve won't help. If your pedal is soft you have air in the system. What fluid are you using? DOT 3 or DOT 5? If DOT 5, the air will be MUCH harder to remove. In any case I would start by removing all four wheels and use a rubber hammer to beat on each caliper, this may dislodge the tiny bubbles giving you the problem. When this doesn't work, find/buy a pressure bleeder, use this in concert with the rubber hammer while bleeding. Have you checked roters for run-out? A rotor wobbling will pump air into your system. Good luck! Bill
i absolutely agree since i have a '65 and the pedal is rock hard

did you bench bleed the master cylinder?
Did you bleed both the inner and outer halves of the rear calipers?

Many bleed just one and forget about the other.

I have nothing to add to this post, but I did want to say hi to a fellow Midlothian-er. :w


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