Hi! Mike
It is kind of hard for me to explain. I call free play the distance that the pedal rod travels prior to engaging the piston in the master cylinder. I rebuilt the master cylinder last year and cleaned the compensating port at that time. I have had a port plugged before and that caused the brakes to drag or lock up because it did not release the pressure when the pedal was released. The car is easily pushed or it will roll when on a sloped and when I check the wheel for increased temperature they seem to run cool. I have never felt a break pedal feel this firm. From the time that the cylinder is engaged the pedal is firm. It has been over 35 years since I have driven a 65 disk brake car with out power so I do not have the experience needed for comparison. I did have the rotors turned. I believe that you need a small amount of rotor run out causing the brakes pads to push the wheel cylinders in preventing drag. Could this possibly be the problem?
Thanks for the response!
It sounds to me like you're in business, Ray.
The non-power discs on my '65 have a harder pedal than my non-power drums on my '63. It's easy to forget what is "normal" for these cars when you get used to driving new cars.