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'65 Cimarron Red Roadster

May 29, 2002
Missoura Ozarks
2012 💯 4LT GS Roadster

Isn't this the reddest Midyear you've ever seen? A lot of folks, especially those with crimson-hued Top Flight winners may disagree. But, if Jerry Heasley's photos are any indication, this one glows like a lit taillight when the sun hits its finish. "I spent about 200 hours with a random-orbital buffer on that body," says its owner, Dave Laney. "The more I worked on that paint, the deeper and more metallic it appeared," he says of the House of Kolor Cimarron Red that covers its original fiberglass.

Red Roadster - Corvette Fever
Well that is very RED and very SHINY
I like!
Hard not to like... I see it has a VBP suspension kit (or similar) so it likely handles as good as it looks...


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