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65 corvette rear crossmember cushion replacement

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I am looking for an article about how to step by step replace the rear crossmember mount cushions on my 65. Thanks:D:confused:ugh;squint::chuckle:mad
Shoot me an e-mail (click on my username) and I'll send you a copy of my step-by-step article from "Corvette Enthusiast" magazine; the file is too large to post here. :)
Shoot me an e-mail (click on my username) and I'll send you a copy of my step-by-step article from "Corvette Enthusiast" magazine; the file is too large to post here. :)

I might add, at this point it's the "late great" Corvette Enthusiast magazine. The final issue was is the December issue which subscribers should have by now. Amos Press made a decision back in September to discontinue publication of all its brand-specific (ie: Corvette, Pontiac, MoPar, Mustang and etc) magazines and replace them with one periodical.

The new magazine from Amos Press will be called "Auto Enthusaist" will be 220 pages and will debut at the SEMA Show next Tuesday morning.

I think I speak for John in saying that it was a great ride. I'm sure John is and I know I'm better for the experience of having worked with CE's Editor, Andy Bolig for the last six years.

Thanks very much and RIP "Corvette Enthusiast".

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