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65 three speed?

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When I talk to other car people and mention that my 65 was a three speed, they look at me like I'm from Mars.

In short, back then, a three speed was better than no Corvette and that's the only one I could afford. At some point I found the production numbers on this site and there were only a few hundred that went out the door with the base unit and I'm still perplexed as to why the guy had other power options ordered but went with the three speed?

Do any of you early year mavens see an occasional one out there?
I haven't seen a 3-speed for years. It's interesting how the option prices influenced buyers in those days.

For example, in 1965:
A01 Soft Ray Tinted Glass, All Windows $16.15 -- 8,752
A02 Soft Ray Tinted Glass, Windshield Only $10.80 -- 7,624

Can you imagine someone saying, "Okay, I'll go for the tinted windshield, but I won't spend the extra $5.35 for tint all the way around."? 7,624 buyers did. :L
I know up until a certain point three speeds were the standard tranny. You had to pay extra for a powerglide, or a 4-speed.
......For example, in 1965:
A01 Soft Ray Tinted Glass, All Windows $16.15 8,752
A02 Soft Ray Tinted Glass, Windshield Only $10.80 7,624

Can you imagine someone saying, "Okay, I'll go for the tinted windshield, but I won't spend the extra $5.35 for tint all the way around."? 7,624 buyers did. :L

But.... think of what $5.35 cents would have bought in 1965. ;)
:wJane Ann
One of the guys I know locally had a 67 with a 3 speed. Always liked that car.......green with saddle....vert...... wanted to buy it and never had the money. When I finally was able to afford it, he had already sold it. Just my luck!
Speaking from a mechanic's point of view:

A 3 speed transmission was actually a 4 speed transmission!

3 FORWARD gears & 1 REVERSE gear makes for 4 gears! :thumb

Just another technical piece of information! :boogie

Speaking from a mechanic's point of view:

A 3 speed transmission was actually a 4 speed transmission!

3 FORWARD gears & 1 REVERSE gear makes for 4 gears! :thumb

Just another technical piece of information! :boogie

Yep,Thats Exactly Right!!

This Fine Specimen is 1 of 252........69 Corvettes with Base 3 sp Transmissions built!!:thumb:thumb:thumb



Some cars were delivered with 3 speeds because someone forgot to check the 4 speed box on the order form. I also remember a local car coming in in 1968 with a 3 speed when the guy had specified a 3 speed automatic. 1968 was the first year for an automatic with more than 2 speeds in a Corvette. He didn't take the car but it didn't set too long on the lot either.

My 66 was ordered with Am-Fm Radio, Tinted glass & Positraction. One of 564 built with the 3 speed. I have had many talks with the original owner who wanted his first new car to be a corvette. He was not a performance guy, just a corvette guy. The standard transmission was just fine. He ordered the posi because this was his only car in Chicago year round. I enjoy the looks and conversations the car gets because of the rare standard 3 speed transmission.


3 Speed Vette

I have a road test around here somewhere of a base engine 67 and they wonder why anyone would want or need a four speed. I have to admit that my 300hp/327 is so flexible that I very seldom use all the gears.
The more torque you have the fewer gears you need. Powerglide cars work out real well which isnh't suprising when you consider that the Powerglide is one of the most popular drag race transmissions of all times.

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