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Help! '66 Door Alignment


Nov 27, 2008
Newcastle, Australia
1966 Coupe Torch Red, 1962 Original Roman Red

Does anyone have any tips for aligning and fitting shims to my Coupe doors. I am replaceing my rear quater panels and need the doors refitted and in alignment to get the rear quater right. They were badly out to begin with and had zero shims. I do not have door rubbers, lock or striker plate fitted, im not sure if that makes a difference ??

Any tips would be appreciated.
while I have not replaced the rear quarters, I am preparing to replace the front surround. In all cases I have read, it is suggested to put the moldings in place, door latch etc so that you can get an idea of how the door will fit relative to the quarters. it has been commented that the moldings/seals like the upper door seal will cause the fitment of the door to change....I would imagine it would be the same for your rear quarter.

i have recently shimmed my 63swc and I think I have as many as 3 to 5 shims per hinge. Most postings I have read on door alignment all talk about how bad the original door alignment was to begin with.
while I have not replaced the rear quarters, I am preparing to replace the front surround. In all cases I have read, it is suggested to put the moldings in place, door latch etc so that you can get an idea of how the door will fit relative to the quarters. it has been commented that the moldings/seals like the upper door seal will cause the fitment of the door to change....I would imagine it would be the same for your rear quarter.

i have recently shimmed my 63swc and I think I have as many as 3 to 5 shims per hinge. Most postings I have read on door alignment all talk about how bad the original door alignment was to begin with.

Thanks for you thoughts. I spent all last night tring to get some sort of symetry with the door to body alignment. Im now convinced it is impossible.

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