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Help! 66 powerglide overflow @ times ???

Francis Ford

Oct 16, 2009
orchard park NY
1960&1966 coupe trophy blue high option s
On ocasion (recently after local parade duty) the engine temp crept up to 220* on gauge,turned on the heater to relieve more heat from eng.note :radiator did not boil over.. .After we got home and parked the car ,we saw a qt.or so of ATF on the ground,prob came up thru the overflow vent.(alum.66 P.G. orig.and totally rebuilt .and not driven till now.) ....there seems to be a corelation between high eng.temp/overflow atf loss..tranny only looses atf at these times.
1) atf expansion ???
2) is it possible to connect tran.cooler lines incorrectly,(inlet/outlet reversed/)
3) tran.cooler partialy blocked/or larger cooler needed?
4) OTHER...???? would be appreciated :eyerole
p g overflow

Hib,we have been watching & checking A T F level very/very close.Always keeping the warmed up level in the middle of the markings on the dip stick,:)
Hib,we have been watching & checking A T F level very/very close.Always keeping the warmed up level in the middle of the markings on the dip stick,:)

Any chance the trans has the wrong filler tube and dipstick?

Do you know exactly how many quarts went in to the trans after the rebuild?

P.G. A T F loss

I have owned this car since 1978,I have done a body off,and resto ever since.In the past year we have been making it a driver again.
The tube /dip stick were taken off by me,tranny pan has just been dropped to replace shift lever gasket/and re-filled with A t f to operating level. :D
Any chance the trans has the wrong filler tube and dipstick?

I've never owned a Powerglide myself, but I've heard many Powerglide owners with the same complaint; apparently if the car isn't driven regularly and sits for long periods of inactivity, the converter gradually drains down, overfilling the case, and the excess comes out of the vent, leaving a pool of ATF on the floor. Cars that are driven regularly don't seem to have the problem.


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