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67 body build date

michael sommers

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2003
67 sbc conv
Is there anyone out there with a 67
with a body build date of C31
october 31 1966?
I would like to get feedback on a conv. body serial
number from that build date.

Thanks for your help
Is there anyone out there with a 67
with a body build date of C31
october 31 1966?
I would like to get feedback on a conv. body serial
number from that build date.

Thanks for your help

If you're looking for a "Body Number", you need to specify if the C31 build date you're trying to compare with a body number is on a St. Louis body or an A.O. Smith body; each plant used different body numbering sequences on their trim tags.

John, I believe I am looking for a St. Louis number
I have found info on a C28 St Louis body S1262 car serial number S102557 Which is 81 car serial numbers from mine 102638 The ending car serial number for end of Oct is 102685 I believe Monday the 31st to be a work day. I am just trying to get my missing trim tag as close to real as possible. The Ncrs birthday calender which was online at one time placed my build date as C28 which I now believe to be inaccurate I believe it to be C31. I suppose my body build date could be C28 or 31 just asking for help in clarifying this .
Any comments welcomed Thanks
If you believe the numbers by day in the NCRS "Birthday Book", which are approximations within each month, the 102557/C28 example you cite was produced off the end of the line 13 units (2 hours) before the end of 2nd shift on Friday, October 28th. Your car (102638) was a shift and a half behind it, so it came off the end of the line on the 2nd shift on Monday, October 31st.

The trim tag was dated and installed at the beginning of the Hard Trim Line, after the Paint Shop; it's conceivable that it could be C28, but more likely it was C31. I'd go with C31 for the trim tag body build date.

With convertibles being 2/3 of production, a Body Number of S1316 is about as close as you can approximate.

your level of detail in your post is uncanny. I have come across no information that would narrow it down to shifts. Looking at the at the numbers I was thinking about 1300 as well but based on your educated insites I will use your number as the real thing. I always defer to expertise.

Thanks again
for your time
and knowledge

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