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Help! '67 Oil Pressure Gauge Readout


Jun 8, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
'67 Maroon Air Coupe
:eyeroleThe oil pressure gauge on my '67 reads to about 15psi after the car starts and stays exactly at that level no matter what the revs, temp, etc are. Oil level is correct, no overheating, etc. The car grew up in Florida and has an oil cooler installed. Is there some kind of "sending unit" I can check or replace before I look at the gauge itself. Many thanks for any help given! Bob Carroll
:eyeroleThe oil pressure gauge on my '67 reads to about 15psi after the car starts and stays exactly at that level no matter what the revs, temp, etc are. Oil level is correct, no overheating, etc. The car grew up in Florida and has an oil cooler installed. Is there some kind of "sending unit" I can check or replace before I look at the gauge itself. Many thanks for any help given! Bob Carroll

Unless the gauge system has been converted to some aftermarket electronic configuration (unlikely), the internal bourdon tube/links/axle assembly that operates the needle shaft is stuck or jammed. Have the gauge restored or replace it.

See Dave Zuberer's .pdf below on how the oil pressure gauge works. :thumb

View attachment Oil Gauge Mechanism.pdf
What a great pictorial in the .pdf, I had my oil guage restored at "Corvette Clocks by Roger" in Jackson, TN. He attends most Corvette shows around the country and I think he does an exchange program if you don't want to wait for yours.

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