I bounced it off the limiter while taking the husband of a colleague for a ride recently.
He stopped by the garage a few times during the project to register his amazement over what was going on. I decided to reward him with a little taste of real horsepower. :gap
"Freakin' scarey", is all he could say.
My main concern is IRS longevity. I figure the weakest point is the half-shafts. Since I'd like to get Bowling Green and Carlisle out of the way before any major damage, I'll satisfy myself with a few more burnouts and then hit the 401 west on June 9th.
On the way to the cottage, I checked the speedo (using FRS radios) with my wife who was following in her Grand Prix. As I had calculated, it was almost exactly dead on accurate. On the way back from the cottage this weekend, I happened across an open patch of freeway and decided to see how stable it was at higher speed. At 130mph / 217kph it was smooth and vibration free, and just loafing along wondering what the big deal was. It's easily capable of 170+, but not with me anymore. Those days are long gone.