My latest project - fixing the passenger side outer door handle - was a success, but either coincidentally or as a result, now my power windows don't work. My first thought was that I'd damaged one of the wires in the passenger side door, but both windows won't work (not just the passenger side window).
I've waited a week to think much about it, because the solution may involve taking the door panel off again. Painful even thinking about it. But since both windows aren't working, are there any suggestions for troubleshooting it electrically? The wiring diagram in the shop manual shows two likely points of failure (other than a broken wire or grounding problem) - a 30 amp breaker and a relay. It doesn't, however, say where these things are. Is the breaker the 30 amp breaker in the fuse block? If so, I tested that and it seemed OK. But where is that relay....
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance....
I've waited a week to think much about it, because the solution may involve taking the door panel off again. Painful even thinking about it. But since both windows aren't working, are there any suggestions for troubleshooting it electrically? The wiring diagram in the shop manual shows two likely points of failure (other than a broken wire or grounding problem) - a 30 amp breaker and a relay. It doesn't, however, say where these things are. Is the breaker the 30 amp breaker in the fuse block? If so, I tested that and it seemed OK. But where is that relay....
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance....